Sir, With the ever-present threat of withdrawn labour, I seek to improve the welfare of my staff somewhat. Some old tapestries, a few chairs, and the below-stairs quarters have much comfort. Maid Elly is most delighted, and asks if there is some way that
Sir, I have often contemplated that the fairer sex of foreign lands do so often dress in a mysterious and attractive way that is so rarely seen at home.
Sir, an enquiry. Some few weeks past, I did place an order for medicinal herbs from the Empire by packet post. Having waited the allotted "28 weeks for delivery", all I have received is this postcard which assures that delivery is imminent. Have I lost
Sir, In Another Place, a question was raised as to where one might see erotic depictions from the 1600's. I have spent a pleasant evening's research in my library, and can provide this pleasant painting from 1590 of a lady who has much to show us.
Sir, Lady B___ complains at length that her looking-glass be all distorted. I at once do attend to the problem. With Maid Hettie assisting, I spend 2 hours, perhaps more, diligently studying the mirror glass from all angles, but have to declare that it i
On this afternoon's post, I receive this charming, but unsolicited image enclosed with a note: "Fiery Beauties await your interest, reply for further converstion." This seems suspect, however the potential reward seems most agreeable. Shall I proceed?
Sir, Tho' most unseemly to give gifts to lower orders, I have this fine print for maid Mary. She has been a most attentive maid, and pray she appreciates the story that plays out upon it. That of a master rogering the girl who brings him his dinner. I d
Sir, I well remember the controversy that I wrought when, upon taking stewardship of our historic gentlemen's club, I opened an area up to the feminine sex also. So it pleases me greatly to spend time within the Zeus room and to witness the great satisf
My new maid from overseas brings with her an unusual custom, and one that I am intrigued to introduce to my other staff. It is a most hygenic practice.
Sir, Lady B___ is most pleased with our new maid, who cleans diligently and does not steal nor shirk. I too am most pleased with our new hire. On receipt of an extra shilling, she do work sans vêtements on Fridays whilst Lady B___ is away.
Sirs, With great anxiety I must request that you rush me an appropriate quantity of the Date Mate 1900 Pheromonotic liquid. Please understand that I request this product for scientific reasons alone. I enclose 10d postal order plus carriage.
Sir, This yule I did hold a great dinner with many guests. "The Amazing Madame Balencio" from Spain did entertain us. Lady B___ was not much favoured to this act, but I was so impressed that I invited Madame Balencio back to my chamber for a further de
Sir, Lady B___ is most pleased with our new maid, who cleans diligently and does not steal nor shirk. I too am most pleased with our new hire. On receipt of an extra shilling, she do work sans vêtements on Fridays whilst Lady B___ is away.