💖🥺🥰Daddy gave me Christmas money, and I used some to go shopping and I got a new friend! It's name is Sir Viscount Bluey The 1st! Thank you daddy for letting me get it! I love you🥺.🥰💖
Bought these bun bun ears to reward myself for finishing the semester! I‘ ve been having a lot of ups and downs but I managed to get all A’s for the first time in maybe 5 years. PSA:Try to be compassionate to yourself even when things aren’t going
Finally feeling little again. There's something about standing in the men's clothing section that makes me feel so smol. Makes me wanna snuggle up in big loose sweaters and shirts. Its been a while since I've felt this way.
I love taking time to make sure Daddy feels loved and cared for too, so after a long day of work he deserves some foot rubbies!! Acts of service are a big part of my love language, share with me what your love language is and some expamples in the commen