I ended my stream nearly 1 hour ago and I still can't see my VOD... but I checked the right settings, and yesterday it posted it when I streamed. What is wrong ? (sry if french but you get it)
hi, i have been streaming for over a year now on laptop and console but have now got a pc. I have been wanting to stream on it but whenever i do (even if my mic isnt connected) there is always white noise. Please comment below any help, thanks
Twitch should introduce more novel algorithms to Browse to make smaller streamers more discoverable. E.g.: an Upcoming Consistent sorting, which would prioritize streamers with small view count, but consistent streaming schedule. What do you think?
So I have a question for y'all. The only person I watch on Twitch is Drako (who I'm subbed too). I never watched Fengrush's streams but it's constantly in my continue watching section? I'm the only person with access to my account, so no one else us