My life is just beginning. Previous years were like a dark boring nightmare. But now i feel like they gone and i am again 18 yo and im starting everything again and i am beautiful and happy ✨✨✨
My journey so far ovre the past 3 years(please ignroe my quarantine roots) ; m trying to save for breast implants, a nose job & eyebrow thread lift. If you want to help me fund these, let me know, I want the surgeries as soon as I can and would be su
Entering 2022 to continue my bimbo journey!! I do want to get my boobs bigger, fillers, veneers, and then continue to workout & take care of myself :) Thanks to all who support my transformation journey!
I remember being upset with the doctor guy when he first told me I had the Bimbo virus. But like, on my second visit he totally let me suck his yummy cock before he shot his cum all over my new pretty tiddies! 💦🥰💦