what does this icon next to a streamers name nudes
More photos from Twitch
PSA: Be wary of phishing emails, I received this a couple hours ago and it looked legit, until I realized it doesn't use usernames at all, and the link links to a tracking website which logs your system information / ip address.
I just need to thank whoever working on twitch prime for making their game rewards SO much better, Fallen Order, Total Warhammer, are amazing games! So thank you to whoever working at twitch who works on prime
Hey so, I was streaming earlier today and I had all these people in my chat (probably lurking, I'm not sure) but even when I had someone actively talking, (three in fact) the view counter didn't change or update whatsoever. Am I doing something wrong?
Unable to access the "Update prefix" button on any browser because it goes off screen - what should I do?