i saw a person here got his account accessed by someone from india, i was randomly looking through my gmail when i found this, whats going on? one of my friend also got this email from twitch
This may be a dumb question, but I'm at a loss. I don't want to install another app if I can help it (authy..). If I don't install or log into Authy, will SMS be my default authenticator? If not, how can I enable SMS authentication?
Yo everyone,basically I've reached 50 follows today (like 12h ago) and on my "Path to Affiliate" it shows that I have 42/50 follows. Should it update on its own or its some kind of bug ?
Does this mean I'll be given a Founder's Badge if I continue my subscription after the 1 month gifted sub that someone gave to me or do I need to upgrade to Tier 2?