Zamberlan Baltoro lites: one new set of tread and over 2000 miles of hiking in the year I've owned them. Should get another year out of them no problem. As a forester and a avid hiker I really put boots through hell and these have my stamp of approval.
I’ve had these for awhile now and they’re completely broken in but that part of the tongue never flattened out is there anyway I could flatten it out
Just got my first pair yesterday and I’ve been up all night cause i’m so excited. Just noticed that dent looking thing in the shaft. Is it normal? If not how do I un dent it.
First boots for camping and metal detecting in the woods. Steve Madden. Came w brown and red laces both on originally. Plan on different brand for next pair but will stick with these for whatever their lifespan is. I love them so much.