I just linked my prime account to my twitch and. I wanted to extend my subscription because it ends in a few days. But it’s greyed out any ideas why?
So I have a question for y'all. The only person I watch on Twitch is Drako (who I'm subbed too). I never watched Fengrush's streams but it's constantly in my continue watching section? I'm the only person with access to my account, so no one else us
Is this a legitimate streamelements email? I have only have 100 follows and they’re emailing about a sponsored stream, the email looks legitimate but I don’t recognise this email
If I use this picture for my profile pic, will it get me In trouble? I just found the two pics. The Supreme one on Google, and the master chief helmet on reddit, I cropped the helmet so the background isn't in the image, and the Supreme meme didn't hav
I went to go check viewer list before stream and BAM! I've got a whole bot-party in here!! Never seen this many bots in my stream before! Any reason why this would happen?