yo everyonebasically ive reached 50 follows today nudes
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Does anyone know what this badge is and how to get it, I’ve seen it a few times but don’t know what it’s called so I can get it, can someone please tell me what it is if possible
Anyone know what causes this error on a twitch vod? It only happens with this one, no other vods/highlights give me this issue when I click on them.
Anyone know why this ghost is below the chat bar? Will this effect the streamer in any way or is it some kind of error?
I’ve been getting gifted subs for the past few days. Either someone is following me or I’m getting insanely lucky.
How to change twitch global badge? Lot of video s & articles says it is in gear icon. This is what my gear icon look like
Twitch bug where I can't see channel names. I've had it for a few months now and it's basically made twitch unusable.